Student Groups and Campus Organizations
Registered* student groups and campus organizations may use the UC Irvine name for purposes of geographical designation, but not as part of their name:
Yes | No |
Student Organization at UCI | UCI Student Organization |
Student Organization - UCI | UCI - Student Organization |
To use an official UC Irvine word mark, logo or other trademark on a commercial or consumer product, registered student groups and campus organizations must follow the process described below. Commercial and consumer products include goods for sale, resale (fundraising), internal use or to be given away.
* Unregistered student groups should contact Student Life and Leadership at 949-824-5181 or visit the Campus Organizations website about the registration process.
Trademarks and Social Media
UC Irvine supports the use of social media by its community members as a way to facilitate communication. Social media, however, may blur the line between personal voice and institutional voice. Thus, those who plan to use the name or trademarks of UC Irvine on social media should familiarize themselves with applicable university and campus policies, including the UCI Policy: 700-20 Policy on Use of University Name and Seals, Campus Names and Seal and Trademarks, the Code of Student Conduct, and the UC Irvine Brand and Visual Identity Standards.
Social media posters should be aware of the following:
- Official trademarks, logos and other university or campus images and iconography may not be used on personal social media sites.
- Use of official trademarks, logos and other campus images and iconography by authorized individuals and groups (e.g., UC Irvine faculty, staff, and departments) on social media sites must conform to the UC Irvine Brand and Visual Identity Standards.
Questions? Please contact Strategic Communications.